® Waves System
V 1.0 - 2018
ID-AL - My VideoPlayer VP320/VP330 - Audio/Video player - User manual
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Additional Parameters - Optional Tags:
To modify the conduct of the player, you can add optional parameters within the folder name. These
parameters are boxed with the symbols «[« «]». You can add several parameters within the folder name.
- Jump to another folder after reading the current folder.
- Returns to the previous folder after reading the current folder.
- Specifies random or sequential playback mode for the current folder.
[V+xx] [V-xx]
- Modify the volume of the player during the playback of the selected folder
- Define interruption modes.
- Play the folder while the assigned input combination remains activated.
- Play a specific number of audio files from the folder.
VP330 only:
- Active or deactive the outputs contacts when play folder or at the end
Note: If no optional parameter has been indicated, the player reads in sequential the folder in full and then
stops. The folder can be interupted
- Jump to the Folder xxx at the End of the Playback of the Folder
This tag defines the behavior at the end of the playback of the folder. It indicates the 3-digit number (xxx
from 000 to 999) of the next folder to play, which can also be the number of the folder itself in order to play
it in a loop. By default, if this tag is missing, the playback stops at the end of the folder.
Example :
001 [J002]
Jump to folder 002 after playing folder 001.
003 [J003]
Jump to folder 003 after playing folder 003 -> create a loop of the 003 folder.
008 [J023]
Jump to folder 023 after playing folder 008.
458 [J999]
Jump to folder 999 after playing folder 458.
To play in a loop some audio files on startup, the folder 000 must be used and tagged with [J000]
- Play the folder in loop without the options at each loop.
With the [Jxxx] option, the other options in the name of the folder are executed at each loop. With the
[LOOP] option, the other options are not executed. You can use this function to send RS-232 commands
or switch on/off a light when the folder is played or when jump ti other folder and not at each loop.
Example : 001[LOOP]
- Save the reading position of the files when returning to the folder.
When you jump into a folder, the playlist is reset. If you want to return at the previous position with no reset,
place [RESUME] in the name of the folder to save the information.
Example : 001[RESUME]
- Return to the Previous Folder at the End of the Playback of the Folder
During the playback of a folder, if an event or a tag instructs to play another folder tagged with [RET], then
the player jumps to the new folder. At the end of the playback of this new folder, the player jumps back to
the initial folder.