PCI-1202/1602/180x Series Card
Multi-Function Boards
User Manual/ Ver. 4.8/ Mar. 2015/ PMH-0014-48/ Page: 81
BAR3: DI/DO Register
6.6.1 Digital Output/Digital Input
The I/O address of DIO is given as follows:
I/O address of D/I
I/O address of D/O
The PEX-1202 and PCI-1202/1602/1800/1802 series card provides 16-channel digital input and
16-channel digital output. All levels of DI/DO are TTL compatible. The connections diagram and block
diagram are given below:
Figure 6.6.1-1: DIO Block Diagram
The D/I port can be connected to the DB-16P. The DB-16P is a 16-channel isolated digital input
daughter board. The D/O port can be connected to the DB-16R or DB-24PR. The DB-16R is a
16-channel relay output board. The DB-24R is a 24-channel power relay output board.
I/O write
I/O read
DI port
DO port
Local Data Bus
D0,D1 ... D15