I-7565M-FD USB to CAN/CAN FD converter User Manual (version 1.0.0)
Page: 27
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[Receive Message]
Start Record / Stop Record
” button
When clicking “Start Record” button, the received CAN messages shown in
“CAN Message Receive Area” will be recorded in a file as ASCII text. When
clicking “Stop Record” button, it will stop recording the received CAN messages
on a file. The filename format will be “CAN1_YYMMDD_HHMMSS.txt” for CAN1
port oand “CAN2_YYMMDD_HHMMSS.txt” for CAN2 port and the maximum file
size will be 200 MB.
Rx Start / Rx Pause
” button
When clicking “Rx Start” button, it will start to receive the CAN messages.
When clicking “Rx Pause” button, it will stop receiving the CAN messages.
” button
It will clear all the CAN message data in “CAN Message Receive Area“ and the
“RecvCnt” value to be zero.
” checkbox
If the “Scrolling” checkbox is checked, the received CAN message data in “CAN
Message Receive Area“ will scrolling to display automatically. If not, it will not
update the received CAN message data in “CAN Message Receive Area“.
Scroll / OverWrite Mode
” option
“Scroll Mode”:
The received CAN message data will be shown in “CAN Message Receive Area”
by sequence.
“Overwrite Mode”:
If the MODE and ID value are all the same of the received CAN message data,
then they will be placed in the same row of “CAN Message Receive Area”. The
“Num” field will be the number of the same CAN message and the “CycleTime”
field includes the period and the Max./Min. time interval of the received same
CAN ID messages. The “CycleTime” field description is as below.
[1] 0.1760 (Sec) => CAN Message Period.
[2] 1.4060 (Sec) => The Maximum time interval of received CAN messages.
[3] 0.1760 (Sec) => The Minimum time interval of received CAN messages.