Configuring and managing the IGW3000
Monitoring the CATV service
To access the CATV interface information, click Status > CATV. The CATV tab will be displayed
containing the following fields:
• Status: indicates whether the CATV service is enabled or disabled on your IGW.
• Package: indicates the number of the frequency package defined for CATV filter. 0 indicates
that no filtering is enabled.
• Signal: indicates whether the CATV input signal is detected.
• Power level: indicates the current CATV signal power level in dBm. The font colour reflects the
colour of the CATV LED. If the CATV signal power is sufficient, the power level value is green.
Otherwise, if the signal power is lower than the desired threshold, the value is displayed in red.
Figure 26. CATV tab in the Status menu
Monitoring the network services
To access the network service information, click Status > Services. The Services tab will be
displayed containing one or two tabs, depending on the privileges of the account that displays
the web UI:
• The UPnP tab - visible for both the operator and user account - displays the current UPnP
service status and monitoring information. The UPnP Status field indicates whether the UPnP
service is enabled or disabled on the IGW.
If UPnP is enabled on the IGW and certain ports are forwarded with UPnP, the relevant table
is displayed that includes the following fields:
– Protocol: indicates the protocol of the forwarded service.
– Port: indicates the forwarded port.
– Dest. IP: indicates the IP of the client on which the forwarded service runs.
• The TR069 tab - visible for the operator account only - displays the current TR-069 service
status and monitoring information grouped into two areas. The General area includes basic
information about the TR-069 service:
– Status: indicates the current TR-069 status (Running, Not Running or Disabled).
– ACS URL: indicates the ACS address (URL, not obtained or invalid).
– Port: indicates the port used for TR-069 communication between the IGW and ACS.
– Filter: indicates the name of the filter that supports the TR-069 traffic.
The Periodic inform area includes information about the periodic TR-069 connection attempts:
– Status: indicates the current status of periodic TR-069 connection attempts (Enabled or