Configuring and managing the IGW3000
Figure 6. LED management tab in the System menu
Under LED settings:
• Use the Brightness drop-down to choose the LED brightness level: low, medium or high.
• Use the none or timeout radio button in the Auto off field to specify whether to disable
the auto off feature or not.
• Use the Timeout min field to set the LED auto off timeout from 1 to 60 minutes. This field
is active only if the timeout radio button in the Auto off field is selected.
When the auto off feature is enabled, each LED turns off after the specified interval
and turns back on after being triggered by its corresponding event (e.g. new client
connection for the Wi-Fi LED). In case of an event indicated by the red LED, all the
LEDs supposed to be enabled are turned on.
Confirm your changes by clicking the Save button on the bottom bar.
Obtaining technical support information
The System > Techsupport tab allows the user to display the technical support dump on a
screen, or to save it on a TFTP server.
The techsupport dump is an XML-based set of IGW-related data that provides a comprehensive
overview of the IGW configuration and status at the time the dump was taken. Among other
things, the following information is included in the dump:
• firmware version
• disk and memory usage
• running processes
• configuration status
• packet information
• syslog
Use the following steps to display the technical support dump or save it on a TFTP server:
Click System > Techsupport to open the Techsupport tab.