VDX-6318 Windows Embedded Compact 7 - Getting Started Guide
Windows Embedded Compact 7 Getting Started Rev 2.00
Page 102
Appendix J –
Recover Jump Start Kit’s Original Files
The VDX-6318 SBC is preconfigured with BIOSLoader to launch a prebuilt Compact 7 OS run-time image
with options to launch an Ethernet bootloader to download OS run-time image from the development
VDX-6318-MSJK Preconfigured Files
The SBC’s flash storage is preconfigured with BIOSLoader with the following files:
This is the prebuilt Compact 7 OS run-time image for the jump start kit.
This is the Ethernet bootloader. When launched, it broadcasts a series of BOOTME messages to
establish connectivity with the Platform Builder development station to download Windows
Embedded Compact OS run-time image.
This is the secondary Compact 7 OS run-time image for the jump start kit.
The VDX-6318-MSJK preconfigured files are provided on the CD-ROM that comes with the jump start
kit, in the following directory:
Recover Files with DiskPrep
DiskPrep is a Windows CE power toy available for download from the following URL:
The DiskPrep utility and the necessary files to configure the SBC’s flash storage are provided on the
jump start CD that comes with the kit, in the following directory:
USB to IDE adapter
is needed to work through the following steps to format and configure the
Compact Flash with BIOSLoader:
Create a temporary folder on the development station, “
Copy all the files from the “\
” folder on the jump start CD to the “
” folder.
Copy all the files from the
” folder on the jump start CD to the “
Using a USB-to-IDE adapter, attached the flash storage to the development station.
Launch the
utility from the “
” folder.
Select “
” or “
” file system format.
Make sure “
Place a BOOT.INI file on the disk
” option is selected.
Select the “
Load specific image file copied from
”, click the
button to bring up the
Select File to Execute on Boot
” screen.