Chapter 1. General description
Draft Document for Review October 14, 2014 10:19 am
1.12.1 IBM 7014 model T00 rack
The 1.8-meter (71-inch) model T00 is compatible with past and present IBM Power systems.
The features of the T00 rack are as follows:
36U (EIA units) of usable space.
Optional removable side panels.
Optional highly perforated front door.
Optional side-to-side mounting hardware for joining multiple racks.
Standard business black or optional white color in OEM format.
Increased power distribution and weight capacity.
Supports both AC and DC configurations.
The rack height is increased to 1926 mm (75.8 in.) if a power distribution panel is fixed to
the top of the rack.
The #6068 feature provides a cost effective plain front door
Weights are as follows:
– T00 base empty rack: 244 kg (535 lb.)
– T00 full rack: 816 kg (1795 lb.)
– Maximum Weight of Drawers is 572 kg (1260 lb.)
– Maximum Weight of Drawers in a zone 4 earthquake environment is 490 kg (1080 lb.).
This equates to 13.6 kg (30 lb.)/EIA.
1.12.2 IBM 7014 model T42 rack
The 2.0-meter (79.3-inch) Model T42 addresses the requirement for a tall enclosure to house
the maximum amount of equipment in the smallest possible floor space. The following
features differ in the model T42 rack from the model T00:
The T42 rack has 42U (EIA units) of usable space (6U of additional space).
The model T42 supports AC power only.
Weights are as follows:
– T42 base empty rack: 261 kg (575 lb.)
– T42 full rack: 930 kg (2045 lb.)
The feature #ERG7 provides an attractive black full-height rack door. The door is steel,
with a perforated flat front surface. The perforation pattern extends from the bottom to the
top of the door to enhance ventilation and provide some visibility into the rack.
The feature #6069 provides a cost-effective plain front door.
The feature #6249 provides a special acoustic door
Installing in non-IBM racks: The client is responsible for ensuring that the installation of
the drawer in the preferred rack or cabinet results in a configuration that is stable,
serviceable, safe, and compatible with the drawer requirements for power, cooling, cable
management, weight, and rail security.
Special door: The Power 780 logo rack door (#6250) is not supported.