032 => DOS/WINDOWS 80900620 => 4690 OS
An underflow occurred. The sum of the uplift on subtotal operations in this sale transaction
is less than the minimum allowed value. The request is not processed.
User Response:
Make the total greater than or equal to zero, then issue an end transaction (06 cmd.) or
cancel transaction (07 cmd.).
034 => DOS/WINDOWS 80900142 => 4690 OS
An underflow occurred. The void daily total is less than the minimum allowed value. The
request is not processed.
User Response:
Make the total greater than or equal to the minimum allowed value, issue an end
transaction (06 cmd.) or cancel transaction (07 cmd.) and then issue a close sale period (13 cmd.).
035 => DOS/WINDOWS 80900143 => 4690 OS
An underflow occurred. The bonus daily total is less than the minimum allowed value. The
request is not processed.
User Response:
Make the total greater than or equal to the minimum allowed value, issue an end
transaction (06 cmd.) or cancel transaction (07 cmd.) and then issue a close sale period (13 cmd.).
036 => DOS/WINDOWS 80900144 => 4690 OS
An underflow occurred.
The discount daily total is less than the minimum allowed value.
The request is not processed.
User Response:
Make the total greater than or equal to the minimum allowed value, issue an end
transaction (06 cmd.) or cancel transaction (07 cmd.) and then issue a close sale period (13 cmd.).
037 => DOS/WINDOWS 80900145 => 4690 OS
Explanation: An underflow occurred. The empties daily total is less than the minimum allowed value. The
request is not processed.
User Response:
Make the total greater than or equal to the minimum allowed value, issue an end
transaction (06 cmd.) or cancel transaction (07 cmd.) and then issue a close sale period (13 cmd.).
039 => DOS/WINDOWS 80900627 => 4690 OS
The command sequence is not valid. A command was requested that is not allowed after an
discount command. The request is not processed.
User Response: Check the application program sequence.
040 => DOS/WINDOWS 80900628 => 4690 OS
The tax category field is not blank and the amount field is blank in a item sales transaction.
The request is not processed.
User Response: Correct the application program.
Fiscal Unit Return Codes — Page 159 of 183
Summary of Contents for 4610 SureMark GR3
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