ibaPADU-8-M Manual
Issue 1.9
Output Resources for ibaFOB-M (FOB-M/Out)
The board ibaFOB-io-S provides one bidirectional fiber optical link, the ibaFOB-4i-S to-
gether with ibaFOB-4o four links, respectively. Up to four ibaFOB-4i-S / 4o boards are
supported by ibaLogic (= max. 16 optical links with up to 96 ibaPADU-8-M devices
On each link only one ibaPADU-8-M can be activated and parameterized at a time. In
order to change parameters or to activate another device on the link respectively, the
current measurement must be stopped. After, the new parameters can be transferred to
the device. Please note, that the device will need a few seconds to adapt to the new
parameters. After parameterization the device sends a continuous data stream to
ibaLogic. Please note further that the change of parameters may affect the processing
of other in- and output resources due to a halt of the drivers (lack of some cycles).
Thus, ibaLogic is to be used preferably in continuous operation with few ibaPADU-8-M
devices which are constantly used (e.g. applications for test stands, turbines, compres-
Number of ibaPADU-8-M device to be activated
Desired sample time of this device
Desired gain setting |
for channels 1..8 (0..63 dB) |
Parameters ...Gainx are ignored by ibaPADU-8-M!
(no gain!) |
Desired low pass filter corner frequency |
for channel 1..8 in Hz. |
Parameters ...Freqx are ignored by ibaPADU-8-M!
(no lowpass filter!) |
Trigger for parameter transfer to the device
Reset the connected optical link.
Request data from the selected device.
Desired block size for data transmission
(will always be rounded to a multiple of 10, max. = 2500)
Activate this link for measurement.
Start measurement (data acquisition)