5.4 Display the CCE900-IP-T video
When the CCE900-IP-T transmitter is connecting with at least one
CCE900-IP-R, it will have a
[Display Screen]
function enabled as
below picture.
Select a CCE900-IP-T transmitter and right-click the
function, a window will pop up displaying that CCE900-
IP-T screen source. Depending on the performance of your PC
and network bandwidth, you can activate multiple windows for
multiple CCE900-IP-T screen sources.
The default frame rate for the CCE900-IP-T is 30 frames per
second. You can change the frame rate by clicking [Setting] > [Tx
Frame Rate Setting] on the upper left corner of the Management
Main screen. Click it and a window will pop up, and from here you
can specify the FPS (Frames per second) for the CCE900-IP-T
transmitter (1 ~ 30).
Note: This function is effective only on TX of version b204 or