Seats & Safety System
The vehicles are equipped with a
Supplemental Air Bag System for the
driver’s seat and front passenger’s seats.
The front air bags are designed to
supplement the three-point seat belts.
For these air bags to provide protection,
the seat belts must be worn at all times
when driving.
You can be severely injured or killed
in an accident if you are not wearing
a seat belt. Air bags are designed to
supplement seat belts, but do not
replace them. Also, air bags are not
designed to deploy in every collision. In
some accidents, the seat belts are the
only restraint protecting you.
ALWAYS use seat belts and Child
Restraint Systems - every trip, every
time, everyone! Even with air bags, you
can be seriously injured or killed in a
collision if you are improperly belted or
not wearing your seat belt when the air
bag inflates.
NEVER place a child in any Child
Restraint System or booster seat in the
front passenger seat, unless the air bag
is deactivated.
An inflating air bag could forcefully
strike the infant or child causing serious
or fatal injuries.
ABC - Always Buckle Children under age
13 in the back seat. It is the safest place
for children of any age to ride. If a child
age 13 or older must be seated in the
front seat, he or she must be properly
belted and the seat should be moved as
far back as possible.
All occupants should sit upright with
the seatback in an upright position,
centered on the seat cushion with
their seat belt on, legs comfortably
extended and their feet on the floor
until the vehicle is parked and the
vehicle is turned off. If an occupant is
out of position during an accident, the
rapidly deploying air bag may forcefully
contact the occupant causing serious or
fatal injuries.
You and your passengers should never
sit or lean unnecessarily close to the air
bags or lean against the door or center
Move your seat as far back as possible
from front air bags, while still
maintaining control of the vehicle.