Operation | 7
BeWa FCU1210 3545830b en-us lq
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7.1.3 Displaying measured variables
The measured variables supply you with information regarding
the degree of cleanliness, the water saturation and the temper-
ature of the hydraulic system under investigation. The mea-
surement variables ISO, SAE and NAS are calibrated. They in-
dicate a measured value with an accuracy of ± ½ ISO code in
the calibrated range. Measured variable - ISO
The measured variable is updated depending on the set mea-
suring time. The presentation appears as a 3-digit ISO code.
Example: ISO code 20.18.15 Measured variable - SAE
The measured variable is updated depending on the set mea-
suring time. The presentation takes the form of a channel of
the SAE class. Example: SAE class A = 13.4
7.1.4 Display service variables
These values give you information about the determined flow
and the light source power. The service variables are not cali-
brated. Service variable – Flow
Flow contains the display indicating whether the flow is in the
permissible range. Example: Flow rate = OK Service variable - Drive
Display of the light source efficiency (1-100%) with which the
ContaminationUnit currently works. Example: Light source effi-
ciency = 42%