3-8) Communication Setting
Set the printer configuration and the communication condition to the host with the
Memroy switch untility program.
All information on memory switch will be deleted during the configuration and please reconfigure
the list of Code Page and Print Option.
3-8-1) Manual Configuration
1) Run the printer in initial configuration mode.
How to run in Initial Configuration Mode
When you turn the printer’s power on while pressing the FEED button for more than 2
seconds, the PE LED and ERROR LED will simultaneously turn on / flash and run the initial
configuration mode. (9600 BPS, PARITY NONE, HARDWARE HANDSHAKE)
2) After you run the initial configuration mode, it is printed as follows
1.Baud rate
3.Flow control
4.Hex Dump Mode
5.Print Density
6.Auto Melody
7.Cut Mode
8.Auto Buzzer
9.Print Speed
Select and then Enter...
Enter : Press the feed button once for
more than 1second.
Select: Press the feed button many times
less than 1second as menu number.
Exit : Turn power off then on.
Press feed button for more than 1 second to 'Enter', press less than 1 second to select item.
For example, if you’d like to change the Auto Melody option in the list number 6, press the FEED
button less than 1 seconds 6 times, and more than 1 seconds 1 time. When terminating the
configuration, just turn off and back on.
3) Continuing from the previous, you can confirm after selecting the category on the printed list.
Ex) [Baud rate]
-> 1.9600
-> : Indicate current set status
Select and then Enter...
Meaning, ‘(->)’ indicates the current setting. When changing the settings, select from the list and if you
want to move to the next menu without making any changes, then just confirm without selecting
from the list.