Corner Windows
Corner Windows
Corner window shutters are two framed shutters connected together at a 90-degree angle.
Before performing a corner window installation, you should be familiar with the framed shutter
installation procedures described on pages 8–10. (If you haven’t already assembled the shutter
frames, refer to page 3.)
Step A. Connect the Two Assembled Frames
Position the provided hang strip flush with the front of the right side of the left frame. Attach
it with screws through the frame, on the screw indicator line.
Attach the left side of the right frame to the hang strip in a similar fashion.
Step B. Install Frames (Inside or Outside Mount)
Center the attached frames (L-frame and Z/L-frame combinations) over or into the openings
and even out your reveal.
Secure the top and bottom inside corners of the left and right frame.
Step C. Mount the Left Corner Panel(s)
First, retract the Duracatch
locks on the top and bottom of the panels. Refer to the
procedures in Step 1 on page 9.
Support the left side of the frame with support blocks (OM) or shims (IM) before inserting
the panel(s).
Place the panel(s) into the left frame by fitting the pin end of the hinges into the hinge
Hang Strip
Hidden Hang Strip Joins Corner L-Frames