Brightness / Contrast / Hue / Sharpness:
Different values are adjusted here.
It enables the camera to reduce the contrast in the view to avoid
dark zones as a result of over & under exposure.
It enables the camera to combine the over & under exposures
to smooth out dark zones for best image quality.
Denoise 3D & 2D:
Filter the noise and blur from the image and show a
clearer view. You can set the values for
3D & 2D
The sensitivity of the camera can be adjusted according to its
environmental lighting. Enable this function to get brighter images on low light,
but the level of noise may also increase.
Shutter Time:
Choose the location of your camera or a fixed shutter time.
The shorter the shutter time is the less light the camera receives and the
image becomes darker.
When you select a number in
Shutter Time
the shutter time will vary in a range and be controlled by camera
automatically. The following table shows the shutter time options and
corresponding range.
AE Strategymode:
Lowlight Priority
Highlight Priority
to adjust the view
in preference of lightening or darkening the contrast.
Increases the sensitivity of camera to get brighter image at night.
The smaller value you select, the slower shutter speed becomes. So that
the image will get brighter, and moving subjects might be blurred.
Adjust the saturation values here.
Low Lux Auto-adjust:
Click to enable the camera to adjust its low lux level
automatically in different lighting environments.
Anti Fog:
Improve the image clarity on environments presenting high levels
of fog or smoke.