7. Frequency Asked Questions(FAQs)
Answer & Action
If press the button but it
doesn’t work.
HUBI-QUAN Pro uses Windows as the OS. Sometimes it stops due to
error of Windows. If wait, proceed with operation well.
If you press the button too much, it may cause malfunction.
If there is the printer paper,
can’t print.
The thermal printer paper has front and back. If the paper is reversed,
printing will not be possible. Load the front side of the paper facing
up and try printing it again. If it does not print, please check if it is the
thermal printer paper. If the same error is occurred, request A/S.
Lost the Super visor card(ID
Contact Humasis or agency and get the new Supervisor card. Please
refer to the “3.2. User setting” section to register Supervisor card.
Entered serial number
incorrectly when installing a
new program.
Depending on the serial number, some of the device information will
be set. If you make a mistake, normal operation of the device may not
be possible. Reinstall the program.
The IQC device has been
exposed to the outside. Can
I use it?
IQC devices must be stored in Al.bag with the light blocked. If it has
been exposed to light for a long time, the line color may have been
altered. If IQC test fails, do not use it, and request the IQC device to
Humasis or agency. If IQC test passed, please keep Al.Bag light off.