VII.DC Constant Current Source Function
Can output current from 0 to infinite, internal step-up current test, equal to powerful DC
constant-current source. Open “DC power”of “function”menu, see picture 19,
Picture 19
Please set“periodical time”, “initial current”, “step current”,“max current”. Press“start”to realize
periodical step-up current process. Firstly take“initial current” value output, keep timing
to“periodical time”value, then add“step current”value output. Again keep timing to“periodical
time”value and then add“step current”value output, repeat the cycling process to output
current over “max current”value, finally finish the whole output current. In the test, can
press“interruption”to stop whole test process.
VIII.Mobile Phone Control and Data Transfer (BT
Install android blue-tooth APPBTAPP.apk)
open the APP, see the picture 20~22