Picture 5, menu item
(3)Set test parameters
In main interface, press“Setting”button enter parameters interface.
See picture 6:
Picture 6, Parameters setting interface
Do parameters’ settings through drop-down menu by digital key board, Press“OK”button to
save parameters in system, not impact by power off and re-open.
Current test times and output current
In the interface to set “current times”stands for
different current range to calculate average value, can select [I1], [I1/I2], [I1/I2/I3]. [I1] is only
for output I1 current test. [I1/I2] is for output I1current test first, and then output I2 current test.
I1/I2/I3 is for
output I1 current test first, then output I2 current test, finally output I3 current test.
Test Time
Set from 1 to 9999s.