The Multifunctional Partial Discharge Tester main computer is divided with several
function areas, according to the above number indications,
1. Wave display
2. F1- F5 Menu Buttons
3. Power indicator
4. MEAS: measurement menu
6. MENU OFF: Menu off
7. MENU: Menu button
8. AUTO: Auto setting button
9. RUN/STOP: On/Off
10. Direction Key
11. TRIG: Trig menu
12. LEVEL: Adjust trigger level
13. TIME/DIV: Time base
14. POSITION: Adjust level trigger position
15. HORI: Level menu
16. VERTICAL: Adjust vertical position
17. VOLTS: Voltage shift
18. Power Switch
19. REF: REF menu
20. MATH: MATH function keys
21. CH2: display CH2 menu
22. CH1: display CH1 menu
23. UTILITY: Auxiliary function
24. SAVE RECALL: Save/Recall
25. RECORDER: Multi-meter trend chart, Oscilloscope trend chart, wave recorder.
26. SCOPE/DMM: Function interface switch button, switch to the multi-meter over
signal interface.
27. CURSOR: Cursor measurement