1. 0–24% capacity
25% indicator: blinking
Other SOC indicators: off
2. 25%–49% capacity
25% indicator: steady on
50% indicator: blinking
Other SOC indicators: off
3. 50%–74% capacity
25% indicator: steady on
50% indicator: steady on
75% indicator: blinking
Other SOC indicators: off
4. 75%–99% capacity
25% indicator: steady on
50% indicator: steady on
75% indicator: steady on
100% indicator: blinking
5. 100% capacity
The four SOC indicators are steady on.
● Major alarm: The ESM needs to be maintained immediately.
● Minor alarm: The ESM does not require maintenance, but sends a reminder
to remote maintenance personnel.
● Blinking slowly: on for 1s and then off for 1s.
● Blinking fast: on for 0.125s and then off for 0.125s
● If the SOC indicators are off and other indicators are blinking, the ESM enters
the maintenance mode.
● When the ESM is in sleep mode, the fault indicator is off except for reverse-
connection protection.
Activation and Startup
An ESM can be activated in the following two modes. After being activated, the
ESM switches from sleep mode to disconnected mode.
Activation through the MANUAL ON/OFF button: Hold down the MANUAL
ON/OFF button on the ESM panel for at least 5s and less than 15s.
Activation through the power port: Supply a DC voltage of 43.2–58 V to the
power terminal on the front panel for at least 5s.
User Manual
2 System Composition
Issue 01 (2020-08-06)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.