Fixed Region:The fixed region encoding is the ROI encoding for the manually configured area.
And you can choose the Image Quality Enhancing level for ROI encoding, and you can also
name the ROI area.
Step 1
Select a
Region No.
Step 2
Check the check box of
Fixed Region
Step 3
and draw a red frame in the live view image.
Step 4
Adjust the
ROI level
from 1 to 6. The higher the value, the better image quality in the red frame.
Step 5
Enter a
Region Name
and click
to save the settings.
Figure 8-26
Region of Interest
8.6 Configuring Image Parameters
8.6.1 Configuring Display Settings
You can set the image quality of the dome, including brightness, contrast, saturation, hue,
sharpness, etc.
The Display parameters vary depending on the speed dome models.
User Guide
8 Speed Dome Configuration
Issue 02 (2014-12-25)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.