lp-642 Rev. 000 Rel. 002 Date 10.5.20
Figure 21 - HTPLink App Account Site Management Screen
1. The Primary user logs in and
selects the row pertaining to the
site. To add Secondary access
to the site, tap “edit secondary
users”. See Figure 21.
Figure 22 - HTPLink App Account Management Edit Secondary Users Screen
2. After the site is highlighted,
the Primary user taps the “edit
secondary users” button that
appears below the list of sites. The
screen in Figure 22 will appear.
Figure 23 - HTPLink App Account Management Add Secondary User Screen
3. The Primary user then taps the
“add secondary user” button, and
is brought to the screen in Figure
23 to enter the email address of
the Secondary user to be granted
access to the site. Enter the email
and tap “search user”.
Part 6 - Assigning Secondary Accounts to a Site