Using People 69
If your contacts list is long, you can use the search bar to search for contacts
quickly, or tap
to hide the onscreen keyboard and scroll to the bottom of the
contacts list.
To remove a contact from the group, tap (X) at the right side of the contact
name. Tap Save.
To sync groups on your phone with the groups in your Google account
On the Groups tab, press MENU, tap Sync groups, select the groups you want to
sync and then tap Save.
To send an SMS/MMS message to all contacts in a group
On the Groups tab, press and hold the group, and then tap Send group messages.
For instructions on composing and sending your message, see Chapter 5.
You will be charged by your service provider for each message sent. For example, if
you send a message to a group of five people, you will be charged for five messages.
To send an email message to all contacts in a group
On the Groups tab, press and hold the group, and then tap Send group mail. For
instructions on composing and sending your message, see Chapter 5.
3.3 Using Facebook and Flickr in People
If your contacts have Facebook accounts, you can view their current status and
upcoming events, and be notified when they change their profile information. You
can also update your own Facebook status. In addition, if your contacts have Flickr
accounts, you can see when they add new photos.
Facebook and Flickr notifications are shown on the following tabs: