HTC confidential
© 2004, HTC Corporation. All rights reserved.
7. Cosmetic Inspection Criteria
7.1. Definition of Cosmetic Standard
B Standard is for refurbishment inspection.
7.2. Visual Inspection Requirements
7.2.1 Examination of the device shall be made with workbench light turned on.
Ambient illumination is to be 500-1000 lux.
7.2.2 The inspector shall examine the device at a distance of 13 to 15 inches for approximately 7 seconds.
7.2.3 If a visual defect is noted, the inspector shall have an additional 10 seconds to closely examine the
defect and classify it according the criteria table.
7.3. Definitions of Inspection Defects and Areas
A linear cut that penetrated beyond the surface of the material.
A scratch can be felt by running your finger over it.
Dot / Dent
A recessed spot or void in the surface of the material.
A linear foreign object beyond the surface of the LCD.
A hump in the surface of material.
Area I
LCM, Bezel including phone key, APP button, action key and LED lens.
Area II
Keyboard, Housing, back side of battery, antenna cover, release button, stylus and side buttons.
Area III
Inner side of battery (not include battery), inside of SD connector, inside of USB port inside of
Earphone jack and other area marked in the figure below.
D: Diameter/ L: Length/ W: Width/ Number: Number of defects/ S: Distance of dot to dot
Remark: 1. Crack is not allowed. 2. All dimensions in millimeters.
Area I Area II Area III