Step 5.
Carefully lift another EXR Horizontal Support Assembly and lower it
onto the existing assembly so that the strut threads pass through the Frame Mounts
as in photo 6. The Frame Mounts should seat fully onto the threads and rest in full
contact with the polymer rings.
Photo 6
If your EXR Audio Stand System includes another level, repeat steps 2-5 for the
next EXR Horizontal Support Assembly to add it to the stand. Be sure to select the
correct size of strut for each level of your stand to provide adequate space for each
of your components. If you have added all necessary levels to the EXR, proceed to
step 6.
Step 6.
Place a polymer ring around the threads protruding through each Frame
Mount. The polymer ring should sit completely flat inside the Frame Mount. Apply
a few drops of the provided WD-40 3-in-1 oil to the end of each thread.
Step 7.
Fully thread an EXR Locking Nut onto the threads protruding through
each Frame Mount so the locking nuts fully contact the polymer rings you placed
in step 6. Thread the locking nuts on with the narrow end facing down into the
Frame Mounts. Apply final torque to the EXR Locking Nuts by using the provided
custom nylon wrench to tighten each nut another
turn after they contact the
polymer ring (photo 7). This final torque provides stiffness to the structure to ensure
excellent performance for your system.
Photo 7