Thank you for purchasing the patent pending Harmonic Resolution Systems EXR
Audio Stand System. When used properly, it will give you many years of superior
musical or video signal reproduction.
The EXR Audio Stand System significantly reduces the negative impact of
structure-borne noise on your audio or video component performance. Decades of
engineering experience, custom material development, and listening tests are
incorporated into the design of the EXR Audio Stand System. This high-
performance product from Harmonic Resolution Systems, Inc. will enable your
audio/video source and amplification components to achieve high levels of
The EXR Audio Stand System, which optionally includes the HRS Isolation Base
as the primary shelf system, is a perfect match for the HRS Damping Plates,
Nimbus, Vortex, and Helix products. While the EXR Audio Stand System and
Isolation Bases work to significantly reduce structure-borne noise, the HRS
Damping Plates, Nimbus, Vortex, and Helix products significantly reduce the
harmful effects of air-borne noise and structural resonance on your components.
Please read this manual
prior to assembly and use of your EXR Audio
Stand System. It contains instructions necessary for proper assembly, use, and care
of this system. Proper care of your EXR Audio Stand System will ensure optimum
performance and an aesthetically appealing system.
All HRS products are manufactured in the US by highly skilled craftsmen using
superior techniques and proprietary materials. HRS is dedicated to producing the
finest audio products in the world. To accomplish that, all products advance through
a series of intense inspection and approval protocol. All items are inspected 100%
to verify the assembly fits are up to our exacting standards. This rigorous protocol,
combined with precision design, results in a product that is a pleasure to install, use,
change, or expand at any time. From all of us here at HRS, we truly hope you enjoy
our product.
Your order was built and inspected by the following HRS staff:
Production Process: ____________ ________
Inspection Approval: ____________ ________
Packaging: ____________ ________