This command enables or disables PIM-SM in the designated VLAN interface and sets the source (and
designated router) IP address for PIM-SM packets sent from the interface. Executing the command without
specifying an IP address option causes the router to default to the
option, below. (Default: PIM-SM disabled)
ip-addr any
Enables the router to dynamically determine from the VLAN's current IP configuration the source IP address
to use for PIM-SM packets sent from the VLAN interface.
Using this command after a source IP address has already been set does not change that
ip-addr [ip-addr]
Specifies one of the VLAN's currently existing IP addresses for use as the source IP address for PIM-SM
packets sent from the VLAN interface.
Note that
must first be statically configured on the VLAN.
To change an existing source IP address setting, you
use this command option.
Changing the interval for PIM-SM neighbor notification
ip pim-sparse hello-interval [5-300]
ip pim-sparse hello-interval [5-300]
Changes the frequency at which the router transmits PIM hello messages on the current VLAN. The router uses
hello packets to inform neighbor routers of its presence.
The router also uses this setting to compute the
hello hold time
, which is included in hello packets sent to
neighbor routers.
hello hold time
tells neighbor routers how long to wait for the next hello packet from the router.
If another packet does not arrive within that time, the router removes the neighbor adjacency on that VLAN from
the routing table, which removes any flows running on that interface.
Shortening the hello interval reduces the
hello hold time
. This changes how quickly other routers will stop
sending traffic to the router if they do not receive a new hello packet when expected. For example, if multiple
routers are connected to the same VLAN and the router requests multicast traffic, all routers on the VLAN receive
that traffic. (Those that have pruned the traffic will drop it when they receive it.) If the upstream router loses
contact with the router receiving the multicast traffic (that is, fails to receive a hello packet when expected), the
shorter hello interval causes it to stop transmitting multicast traffic onto the VLAN sooner, resulting in less
unnecessary bandwidth use.
(Default: 30 seconds)
Changing the randomized delay setting for PIM-SM neighbor notification
ip pim-sparse hello-delay [0-5]
vlan [
] ip pim-sparse hello-delay [0-5]
Changes the maximum time in seconds before the router actually transmits the initial PIM hello message on the
current VLAN. In cases where a new VLAN activates with connections to multiple routers, if all of the connected
routers sent hello packets at the same time, the receiving router could become momentarily overloaded. This
Aruba 3810 / 5400R Multicast and Routing Guide for ArubaOS-
Switch 16.08