capacity = 4.00 TB
driveType = HDD
rpm = 7200
totalPowerOnHours = 5351
Dev-id = Drive_Missing_b1000082
Status = MISSING
message = The drive is missing or has failed.
type = drive
model = -
serialNumber = -
firmwareVersion = -
location = Port: 1I Box: 1 Bay: 8
volumeName = LUN_C3_P1_V1
capacity = 4.00 TB
driveType = Unknown
Disk 5000C5007689C0A3
Dev-id = 5000C5007689C0A3
Status = OK
message = -
type = drive
model = MB4000FCWDK
serialNumber = S1Z07ETP0000K447CUZY
firmwareVersion = HPD5
location = Port: 1I Box: 1 Bay: 12
volumeName = LUN_C3_P1_V1
capacity = 4.00 TB
driveType = HDD
rpm = 7200
totalPowerOnHours = 5350
After identifying the issue that requires correcting, follow the instructions in the relevant chapter of this
Be sure to check that all problems have been resolved. Rerun the StoreOnce CLI command:
hardware show problems
The output returned should now be blank.
LEDs and problem diagnosis
Server LEDs (all models)
LEDs and problem diagnosis