Folder, Printer, and Share Management
NAS 1500s and 500s Administration Guide
Publishing a new share in DFS
Once a root has been established either on the local machine or one in the network, shares can
be published in order to extend the virtual name space. For example, several shares can be
created for a DFS root labeled “Engineering.” The shares might be titled “Documentation,”
“Technical Specs,” and “Project Info.” When mapping to \\computername\engineering, all
three of these shares would be found under the mapped drive even though they exist on
different NAS devices, drives or shares points. To publish a share in a DFS root:
Figure 51: DFS share example
1. Select Shares from the WebUI.
2. Type in a new share name
3. Type in a folder name (select the checkbox Create folder if appropriate)
4. Verify that the Windows checkbox is selected. (DFS is dependent on the SMB protocol)
5. Under DFS, check the box if unchecked.
The default behavior can be set to publish all shares to DFS. In this case the box will be
checked. See the section above
Setting DFS Sharing Defau
6. Enter in the name of the DFS root to publish the share (“Engineering” in this example).
The network name will be displayed below the entry.
7. Click OK.
A share name will be published in the namespace.