Index 136
AC power supply 14, 46
access panel 26
ACU (Array Configuration Utility) 89
additional information 97
ADU (Array Diagnostic Utility) 94
Advanced ECC support 67, 68, 72
Advanced Memory Protection 67
Advanced Memory Protection mode, selecting 79
airflow requirements 33, 34
Altiris Deployment Solution 88
Altiris eXpress Deployment Server 88
ASR (Automatic Server Recovery) 90
authorized reseller 124
auto-configuration process 87
Automatic Server Recovery (ASR) 90
Autorun menu 86
battery 15, 30, 120
battery-backed write cache battery pack 15, 48, 82
battery-backed write cache cabling 48, 81, 82
BIOS Serial Console 88
BIOS upgrade 90
boot device selector switch 15, 16, 51
boot options 88
BSMI notice 119
buttons 7, 8, 84
cable management arm 37
cables 81, 84, 100, 118
cables, VGA 85
cabling, power button 84
cabling, storage system 81
cabling, USB 84
Care Pack 32, 95
CD-ROM drive 51
Change Control 95
component identification 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 19, 20
components, front 7, 8, 9, 11
components, memory board 9
components, rear 12, 14
components, system board 15, 16
configuration of system 37, 86
connection problems 100
connectors 7
contacting HP 124
creating a disk image 88
CSR (customer self repair) 124
customer self repair (CSR) 124
deployment software 88
diagnosing problems 97, 100
diagnostic tools 17, 29, 86, 88, 90, 93
diagnostics utility 93
DIMM banks, identification 19
DIMM banks, population 67
DIMM slot LEDs 9
DIMM slots 19
DIMMs 68
DIMMs, single- and dual-rank 68
diskette drive 7, 51
diskette image creation 88
drive bays 7, 20
drive LEDs 20, 21
drivers 94
DVD-ROM drive 51
electrical grounding requirements 35
electrostatic discharge 39, 96
environmental requirements 33, 122
environmental specifications 122
error messages 112
expansion board 53, 54, 55, 63, 64, 65
expansion board mezzanine connectors 15, 53,
55, 60, 63
expansion board, PCI-X Hot Plug 55, 64
expansion boards, non-hot-plug 63
extending server from rack 24
external health LED 8, 17