HP Restricted
Template date: 09/2003
NAS 4000s and 9000s Installation Guide
6. The next step will run a pre-configuration analysis. This
procedure analyzes and verifies the hardware and software
configuration and identifies potential problems. A
comprehensive and easy-to-read report will be created listing
any potential configuration issues before the cluster is
7. Select the details tab to see a list of the items analyzed and
any potential issues there may be with the cluster
If there are any issues fix the issues with the suggestion
provided in the details tab and then select Re-analyze.
Some issues that may occur are:
No shared disk for the Quorum disk. A shared disk must
be created with a NTFS partition at least 50 MB in size.
Use of DHCP addresses for network connections. All
Network adapters must be configured with static IP
address in a cluster configuration.
Service for Macintosh and Service for Netware are not
supported in a cluster configuration.
Dynamic Disks are not supported in a cluster
Errors will appear on a network adapter that is not
configured or does not have an active link. If the network
adapter is not going to be used it should be disabled.
8. Once all issues have been resolved, select Next to continue
9. In the New Server Cluster Wizard window, enter the Cluster
IP address and select Next.
10. In the New Server Cluster Wizard window, enter the login
information for the domain account under which the cluster
service will be run. Select Next.
11. In the New Server Cluster Wizard window, review the
proposed cluster configuration and select Next.