KZM-6120 Mainboard Manual
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USB Keyboard Support
This feature will appear only if the above item Onchip USB is set at En-
abled. Set this feature to Enabled to use a USB keyboard with your system.
The options are: Disabled (Default), Enabled.
Init Display First
When you install an AGP VGA card and/or a PCI VGA card on the board,
this feature allows you to select the first initiation of the monitor display
from which card. The options are: PCI Slot (Default), AGP.
KBC input clock
This feature allows you to select different KBC input clocks which your
keyboard actually supported. Please read your keyboard manual also for
more information. The options are: 6, 8, 12 (Default), 16 MHz.
Onboard FDC Controller
When enabled, the floppy diskette drive (FDD) controller is activated.
The options are: Enabled (Default), Disabled.
Onboard Serial Port 1
If the serial port 1 uses the onboard I/O controller, you can modify your
serial port parameters. If an I/O card needs to be installed, COM3 and
COM4 may be needed. The options are: 3F8/IRQ4 (Default), 3E8/IRQ4,
2F8/IRQ3, 2E8/IRQ3, Disabled.
Onboard Serial Port 2
If the serial port 2 uses the onboard I/O controller, you can modify your
serial port parameters. If an I/O card needs to be installed, COM3 and
COM4 may be needed. The options are: 2F8/IRQ3 (Default), 3E8/IRQ4,
2E8/IRQ3, 3F8/IRQ4, Disabled.
Onboard Parallel Port
Allows you to select from a given set of parameters if the parallel port uses
the onboard I/O controller.
The options are: 378/IRQ7 (Default), 278/IRQ5, 3BC/IRQ7, Disabled.