BIOS Setup
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Typematic Rate Setting
The term typematic means that when a keyboard key is held down, the
character is repeatedly entered until the key is released.
The options are: Disabled (Default), Enabled.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
This feature is available only if the above item, Typematic Rate Setting, is
set at Enabled. Sets the rate of a character repeat when the key is held
down. The options are: 6 (Default), 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30.
Typematic Delay (Msec)
This feature is available only if the item, Typematic Rate Setting, is set at
Enabled. Sets the delay time before a character is repeated.
The options are: 250 (Default), 500, 750, 1000 millisecond.
Security Option
Allows you to set the security level of the system.
The options are: Setup (Default), System.
PCI/VGA Palette Snoop
Set this feature to be enabled if any ISA adapter card installed in the
system requires the VGA palette snoop function.
The options are: Disabled (Default), Enabled.
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB
If your operating system (OS) is OS/2, select the option OS2. Otherwise,
stay with the default setting Non-OS2.
The options are: Non-OS2 (Default), OS2.
HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability
Self-Monitoring and Analysis Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.) allows
your hard disk drive to report any read/write errors and issues a warning
with LDCM installed.
The options are: Disabled (Default); Enabled.