Using iPod
To see album artwork on your iPod:
Play a song that has album artwork.
From the Now Playing screen, press the Select button. If you don’t see artwork,
either that song doesn’t have album artwork, or you need to set iTunes to allow
iPod to display album artwork (see above).
For more information about album artwork, open iTunes and choose
Help > iTunes Help.
Connecting and Disconnecting iPod
You connect iPod to your PC to transfer music and photos, and, in most cases, to
charge the battery.
To connect iPod to your PC:
Plug the included iPod Dock Connector to USB 2.0 Cable in to a high-power
USB 2.0 port on your PC, then connect the other end to iPod.
Or, if you have an iPod Dock (see page 23), connect the cable to a high-power
USB 2.0 port on your PC and connect the other end to the Dock. Then put iPod in
the Dock.
If your PC doesn’t have a USB 2.0 port but has a FireWire 400
(IEEE 1394) port, you can use an iPod Dock Connector to FireWire Cable
(available for purchase at http://www.hpshopping.com/musicaccessories).