[PEagg-LoopBack0] quit
# Configure PE 2.
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] network-entity 10.0000.0000.0002.00
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] interface pos 1/1/0
[PE2-Pos1/1/0] isis enable 1
[PE2-Pos1/1/0] quit
[PE2] interface loopback 0
[PE2-LoopBack0] isis enable 1
[PE2-LoopBack0] quit
Configure basic MPLS and MPLS LDP on PE-agg and PE 2:
# Configure PE-agg.
[PEagg] interface pos 1/1/1
[PEagg-Pos1/1/1] mpls enable
[PEagg-Pos1/1/1] mpls ldp enable
[PEagg-Pos1/1/1] quit
# Configure PE 2.
[PE2] mpls lsr-id
[PE2] mpls ldp
[PE2-ldp] lsp-trigger all
[PE2-ldp] quit
[PE2] interface pos 1/1/0
[PE2-Pos1/1/0] mpls enable
[PE2-Pos1/1/0] mpls ldp enable
[PE2-Pos1/1/0] quit
On PE-agg and PE 2, create VPN instance
, and bind the VPN instance to the
interface connected to the CE:
# Configure PE-agg.
[PEagg] ip vpn-instance VPN1
[PEagg-vpn-instance-VPN1] route-distinguisher 200:1
[PEagg-vpn-instance-VPN1] vpn-target 111:1 both
[PEagg-vpn-instance-VPN1] quit
[PEagg] interface ve-l3vpn 1
[PEagg-VE-L3VPN1] ip binding vpn-instance VPN1
[PEagg-VE-L3VPN1] ip address 24
# Configure PE 2.
[PE2] ip vpn-instance VPN1
[PE2-vpn-instance-VPN1] route-distinguisher 200:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-VPN1] vpn-target 111:1 both
[PE2-vpn-instance-VPN1] quit
[PE2] interface gigabitethernet 1/1/1
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/1/1] ip binding vpn-instance VPN1
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/1/1] ip address 24
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/1/1] quit
Establish EBGP peer relationships between CE 1 and PE-agg, and between CE 2 and PE 2
to redistribute VPN routes:
# Configure CE 1 and specify PE-agg as the peer.