Recipient Email Address
Sender Domain or Email Address
If the
Enable SMTP Secure Connection (SSL/TLS) option will be used, Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends
setting this value to 587.
SMTP Server
4. To send AlertMail messages over a secure connection, enable the Enable SMTP Secure Connection (SSL/TLS) option.
5. To authenticate the SMTP connection with an email account user name and password, enable the Enable SMTP
Authentication option.
6. If Enable SMTP Secure Connection (SSL/TLS) and Enable SMTP Authentication are enabled:
a. Enter the user name for an email account on the configured SMTP server in the SMTP Username box.
b. Select the Change SMTP Password check box.
c. Enter the password for the email account user name in the New SMTP Password and Confirm SMTP Password
7. To save the changes, click Apply.
8. (Optional) To send a test message to the configured email addresses, click Send Test AlertMail.
This button is available only when AlertMail is enabled.
The test AlertMail is initiated.
9. (Optional) If you sent a test message, check the iLO event log to confirm that it was sent successfully.
AlertMail options
Recipient Email Address
One or more destination email addresses to receive iLO email alerts. You can enter multiple email addresses
separated by a semicolon. Enter the addresses in standard email address format. You can enter up to 260 characters
in the
Recipient Email Address box.
If you use a public or ISP SMTP server, make sure that the email addresses you enter are configured to allow less
secure applications.
Sender Domain or Email Address
The sender (from) email address (up to 63 characters). This value can be formed by using the following methods:
• Enter a sender domain to be combined with the iLO Hostname. When you use this method, the sender email
address is <iLO Hostname>@<Sender Domain>.
• Enter a custom email address that includes your internal network domain. For example, <name>@<internal
• Enter a custom email address that uses a public email server. For example, <name>@<email provider>.com.
This address must be a valid email address that is recognized by the configured SMTP server.
Using HPE iLO 5