1. Click Firmware & OS Software in the navigation tree, and then click Maintenance Windows.
2. Click next to the maintenance window you want to remove.
iLO prompts you to confirm that you want to remove the maintenance window.
3. Click Yes, remove.
The maintenance window is removed.
All tasks associated with the removed maintenance window are canceled.
Removing all maintenance windows
Configure iLO Settings privilege
1. Click Firmware & OS Software in the navigation tree, and then click Maintenance Windows.
2. Click Remove all.
iLO prompts you to confirm that you want to remove all maintenance windows.
3. Click Yes, remove all.
The maintenance windows are removed.
All tasks associated with the removed maintenance windows are canceled.
Viewing maintenance windows
1. Click Firmware & OS Software in the navigation tree, and then click Maintenance Windows.
2. (Optional) To sort by a table column, click the column heading.
To change the sort order to ascending or descending, click the column heading again or click the arrow icon next to
the column heading.
3. (Optional) Click an individual maintenance window to view detailed information.
Maintenance window summary details
Maintenance Windows tab displays the iLO Date/Time and the following details about each configured
maintenance window:
Name—The user-defined name for the maintenance window.
Start time—The maintenance window start time (UTC).
End time—The maintenance window end time (UTC).
Maintenance windows are automatically deleted 24 hours after they expire.
Individual Maintenance Window details
When you click an individual maintenance window, the following details are displayed:
Using HPE iLO 5