S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Release Notes for Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 5.2(2)
Related Documentation
: Use CFS regions if a large number (greater than 512) of application flows need to be
configured. CFS regions segment the FCR peer topology into manageable proportions.
: Tape acceleration is not working with the Emulex CNA card. This issue can be seen
because the Emulex CNA card uses the same OXID for all fast-path SCSI commands (read/write),
which breaks tape acceleration logic for accelerating the read/write IOs.
: None.
: On the MDS 9513 switch, when an MSM-18/4 module boots up, it sends a request to the
supervisor module to mount the modflash on the MSM-18/4 module. If there is a timeout or error in
response, the following syslog message displays:
2011 Jul 14 01:18:13 sw-dc5-br2-12 %LC_MNT_MGR-SLOT3-2-LC_MNT_MGR_ERROR: SUP mount
failed. MTS receive timedout
2011 Jul 14 01:19:06 sw-dc5-br2-12 %PROC_MGR-SLOT3-2-ERR_MSG: ERROR: PID 1144
(lc_mnt_mgr) exited abnormally, exit status (0xa)
2011 Jul 14 01:19:06 sw-dc5-br2-12 %MODULE-2-MOD_MINORSWFAIL: Module 3 (serial:
JAE1141ZB43) reported a failure in service lc_mnt_mgr
This issue might be seen when the supervisor module is unusually busy and cannot process the
mount request from the MSM-18/4 module, or the actual mount command on the supervisor takes a
long time.
: Reload the MSM-18/4 module in the same slot/module where the modflash mount
failed. A request will be sent to the supervisor to mount the modflash.
: Following the insertion of the 32-port 8-Gbps Advanced Fibre Channel switching
module (DSX9232-256K9), the following syslog message is displayed:
2011 Jul 16 05:35:00 emc-9513-II %SYSMGR-STANDBY-3-UNACCEPTABLE_WAIT: Service "r
es_mgr", no response from System Manager after 10 seconds. Terminating.
This issue might be seen if you enter the
no install feature-set fcoe
command, then power down the
32-port 8-Gbps Advanced Fibre Channel switching module, and then insert the module again, which
triggers the
install feature-set fcoe
: None. This is a not an operationally impacting issue because it happens on the
standby supervisor, and the standby supervisor can successfully come up in spite of the syslog
Related Documentation
The documentation set for NX-OS for the Cisco MDS 9000 Family includes the following documents.
To find a document online, access the following web site:
The documentation set for Cisco Fabric Manager appears in the
Cisco Fabric Manager Release Notes
for Release 4.2(1)
, which is available from the following website: