Index 106
external KVM monitor troubleshooting 58
fan bay numbering 78, 81, 87
fan errors 25
fan failure troubleshooting 26
fan LED 81, 87
fan status 87
fan troubleshooting procedure 27, 28, 29
fan troubleshooting, symptoms 26
fans 26, 87
features 73
firmware compatibility matrix, HP BladeSystem 92
firmware compatibility matrix, virtual connect 92
firmware maintenance 92, 93
firmware, updating 15, 92
firmware, upgrading 15
firmware, version 92, 93
flash ROM 92
flowcharts 6
front components 73, 82
full-height device bay numbering 74, 83
getting started 5
grounding methods 12
guidelines, troubleshooting 24
half-height device bay numbering 74, 83
Health Summary icon 7
Health Summary screen 7, 8
how to use this guide 5
HP BladeSystem Insight Display 16
HP BladeSystem Insight Display components 77,
HP BladeSystem Insight Display errors 24, 25
HP BladeSystem Insight Display screen 7, 16, 73,
HP BladeSystem Insight Display, navigating 7, 77,
HP BladeSystem Insight Display, overview of 16
HP Insight Diagnostics 90
HP Insight Diagnostics survey functionality 90
HP Insight Remote Support software 91
HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack 92
HP Smart Update Manager overview 95
HP Systems Insight Manager overview 92
HP technical support 97
IML (Integrated Management Log) 90
Important Safety Information document 10
information required 97, 98
Insight Diagnostics 90
Insight Display 14, 76, 77
Insight Display blue device error
troubleshooting 62
Insight Display blue device errors 61
Insight Display blue device errors troubleshooting,
procedures 62
Insight Display blue device symptoms 62
Insight Display components 77, 84
Insight Display errors 24, 61
Insight Display screen, Health Summary 8
Insight Display troubleshooting 14, 16, 17, 19
Insight Display, accessing 77
Insight Display, navigating 7
installation errors 24
installation, Insight Display 77, 84
Integrated Management Log (IML) 90
interconnect bay dividers 78
interconnect bay numbering 78, 79, 89
interconnect module troubleshooting 47
interconnect module troubleshooting,
procedures 47
KVM 56
KVM Linux troubleshooting 60
KVM module troubleshooting 60
KVM mouse troubleshooting 61
KVM troubleshooting, procedures 57, 58, 59, 60,
KVM USB troubleshooting 59
LCD 67, 84
LED, fan 81
LEDs 7, 73, 87, 88
LEDs, enclosure 73, 78
LEDs, fan 81, 87
LEDs, Onboard Administrator 80
LEDs, power supply 75, 88
LEDs, unit identification (UID) 16, 80