Installing the SAN Switch 2/16
SAN Switch 2/16 Version 3.1.x Installation Guide
Remember to position the 3-hole bar nut behind the L-bracket.
8. Tighten the screws, and torque to 25-inch pounds.
9. Repeat steps 5 through 7 to secure the other end of the outer slide rail.
10. Repeat steps 3 through 7 to install the second outer slide rail.
Sliding the Switch into an HP 9000 Series or EIA Rack
Follow these steps to install the switch in the rack.
During the install, do not touch the inner section of the outer
slide rails. The inner section of each outer slide rail contains sharp edges.
1. Depending on the type of install (front or rear access), slide the outer slide
rails all the way toward the front or back of the rack.
2. Carefully lift the switch into the rear of the rack, inserting the inner slide rails
(attached to the switch) into the outer slide rails (attached to the rack), see
Figure 7