Modulus (1024 bit):
00A6637A 8CDEA1AC B2E04A59 F7F6A9FE
5AEE52AE 14A392E4 E0E5D458 0D341113
0BF91E57 FA8C67AC 6CE8FEBB 5570178B
10242FDD D3947F5E 2DA70BD9 1FAF07E5
1D167CE1 FC20394F 476F5C08 C5067DF9
CB4D05E6 55DC11B6 9F4C014D EA600306
81D403CF 2D93BC5A 8AF3224D 1125E439
78ECEFE1 7FA9AE7B 877B50B8 3280509F
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
B68E4107 91D7C44C 7ABCE3BA 9BF385F8 A448F4E1
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
keyid:9D823258 EADFEFA2 4A663E75 F416B6F6 D41EE4FE
X509v3 CRL Distribution Points:
URI:file://\\l00192b\CertEnroll\CA server.crl
Authority Information Access:
CA Issuers - URI:http://l00192b/CertEnroll/l00192b_CA%20server.crt
CA Issuers - URI:file://\\l00192b\CertEnroll\l00192b_CA server.crt
Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
81029589 7BFA1CBD 20023136 B068840B
You can also use some other
commands to display more information about the CA certificate. For
more information about the
display pki certificate ca domain
command, see
Security Command
Certificate attribute access control policy configuration
Network requirements
The client accesses the remote HTTP Secure (HTTPS) server through the HTTPS protocol.
Configure SSL to make sure that only legal clients log into the HTTPS server, and create a certificate
attribute access control policy to control access to the HTTPS server.