Hydraulic connection
Hydraulic system
The pipes must be designed and manufactured to limit
pressure drops as much as possible, i.e. optimise perfor
mance of the system. Keep the following to a minimum:
overall length
Number of bends
changes of direction
Water quality
The quality of the water must be checked by qualified per
Water with inadequate characteristics can cause:
pressure drop increase
energy efficiency decrease
corrosive symptom increase
Water features:
If the values are outside the specified limits, treat the
water accordingly
Before connecting the water to the unit, clean the system
thoroughly with specific products effective to remove res
idues or impurities that may affect functioning.
Existing systems must be free from sludge and contami
nants and protected against build-ups.
New systems
For new installations, the entire plant must be completely
cleaned before commissioning. This removes residues of
the installation process (welding, waste, joint products...).
The system must then be filled with clean high-quality tap
Existing systems
If a new unit is installed on an existing system, the system
must be rinsed to avoid the presence of particles, sludge
and waste. The system must be drained before installing
the new unit.
Dirt can be removed only with a suitable water flow.
Each section must then be washed separately.
Particular attention must also be paid to “blind spots”
where a lot of dirt can accumulate due to the reduced
water flow.
The system must then be filled with clean high-quality
tap water. If, after rinsing, the quality of the water is still
unsuitable, a few measures must be taken to avoid prob
An option to remove pollutants is to install a filter.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by
lime deposits, other deposits, impurities in the wa-
ter supply and/or failure to clean the system.
Water content for corrosion limit for copper
PH (25 °C)
7.5 ÷ 9.0
< 100
HCO3- / SO4--
> 1
Total Hardness
8 ÷ 15 °f
< 50 ppm
PO4 3-
< 2.0 ppm
< 0.5 ppm
Free Chlorine
< 0.5 ppm
Fe3 +
< 0.5 ppm
< 0.05 ppm
< 50
< 50 ppb
Oxygen content
< 0.1 ppm
10 mg/L
Magnetit Fe304
Dose ( / amount) < 7.5 mg/L
50 % of the mass diameter
< 10 µm
Iron oxide Fe2O3 (red)
Dose ( / amount) < 7.5 mg/L
diameter < 1 µm
Electrical conductivity (µS/cm)
Sodium nitrate (mgNaNo3/l)
Alkalinity (mgCaCo3/l)
Copper (mgCu/l)
Sulphide ion (S-/l)
Ammonium ion (mgNH4 /L)
Silica (mgSiO2/l)
Max Ethylene, Propylene glycol
Free&aggressive Carbonic Acid
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