Technical Documentation
Page 16 of 49
Version: 01.02; Date: 18.11.2022
In the first 6 seconds after a reboot of the FG8101G01 a display test is performed, where
the backlight of the display is switched on and off and each of the 40x2 blocks of the
display is shown alternately empty and full.
After the display test, the FG8101G01 screen showing the part number and serial number
of the FG8101G01 on the display is shown for 30 seconds and the backlight is turned on.
Then the display goes into the IDLE state.
In the IDLE state all of the 40x2 blocks of the display are blank and the backlight is off. By
a short press of the button, depending on whether an extension board with MC
functionality is accessible from the FG8101G01, either the FG8101G01 screen (extension
board with MC functionality not accessible) or the TDC screen (extension board with MC
functionality accessible) is displayed.
The TDC screen displays the time information of the two TDC positions in the
FG8101G01. If there is no extension board with TDC function on POS2, then "TD1 -" is
displayed in the first line. If there is no extension board with TDC function on POS 6, then
"TD2 -" is displayed in the second line. Otherwise, the two lines will first display the
accuracy, then the date and time, as well as summer and winter time and leap second
changeover status from the corresponding TDC position. This screen is active for 30
seconds, then the display changes to the IDLE state unless the button is pressed within
the 30 seconds, in which case the display changes to the POS14 screen.
The POS14 screen displays the part numbers of the extension boards plugged into POS1
through POS4. This screen is active for 30 seconds, then the display will change to the
IDLE state unless the button is pressed within the 30 seconds, then it will change to the
POS58 screen.
The POS58 screen displays the part numbers of the extension boards plugged into POS5
through POS8. This screen is active for 30 seconds, then the display will change to the
IDLE state unless the button is pressed within the 30 seconds, then it will change to the
POS1 screen.