Cancel Zone Selection
Press the buttons corresponding to the selected zone or group to cancel the selection. The indicators
will resume normal working condition.
The device will cancel the entire selection if there is no operation within 1 minute after zone selection.
Close Zones
Manually select zones and press the
button and the system will forcibly close the selected
Live Announcement
Users may start a live announcement via the microphone of the RK-MCU or RK-MIC. The following
are steps to use the microphone of the RK-MCU for paging:
In normal mode, press the zone buttons to select target zones.
Pick up the PTT microphone and press the side button to start live announcement.
Release the button to stop the broadcast.
The following are steps to use the microphone of the RK-MIC for paging:
In normal mode, press the zone buttons to select target zones.
Press the microphone button to start live announcement. The indicator will turn green and flash
while playing the pre-signal or chime. After that, it is illuminated green.
Press the microphone button again to stop the broadcast and the indicator will go out.
Broadcast Audio Files
Audio files can be stored in the RK-MCU with the format of WAV, 44.1 kHz/16bit. The capacity for
audio files is a maximum of 60 minutes if using flash memory. If the memory is an SD card, the
capacity will be bigger, depending on the capacity of the SD card.
The broadcast of configured audio files can be activated by contact inputs, timing, and a fire alarm
signal. If users need to broadcast the audio files manually, please follow the operation steps below:
In normal mode, press the zone buttons to select target zones.
Press the button corresponding to the audio files to broadcast.
If the broadcast does not start, please make sure the priority of the task is higher than the current
task. In emergency mode, the system will disable all the non-emergency tasks automatically.
Broadcast External Audio
The RK-MCU has MIC/Line, AUX1 and AUX2 audio input interfaces. The following are steps to
broadcast the audio sources:
Press zone buttons to select target zones in normal mode.
Press the button corresponding to the desired audio source. The indicator turns green and the
broadcast starts.
If the broadcast does not start, please make sure the priority of the task is higher than the current
task. In emergency mode, the system will disable all the non-emergency tasks automatically.
During live announcement in an emergency, the MCU can record voice automatically. Max. 99
recorded files can be stored and the total time is up to 1 hour. If the total recording time exceeds the
capacity of 1 hour, the device will delete the earliest file. If the current recording time exceeds 1 hour,
the system will stop recording automatically.
Auto-record follows live announcement in an
emergency and there isn’t any additional operation.
Users may check the recorded files from the LCD screen of the RK-MCU; please refer to the
Files” chapter for detailed information.