User Manual of Explosion-Proof Bullet Camera
For your privacy and to better protect your system against security risks, we strongly
recommend the use of strong passwords for all functions and network devices. The
password should be something of your own choosing (using a minimum of 8 characters,
including upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers and special characters) in order
to increase the security of your product.
Proper configuration of all passwords and other security settings is the responsibility of
the installer and/or end-user.
Confirm the password.
to activate the camera and enter the live view interface.
(Optional) Setting Security Question
Security question is used to reset the admin password when admin user forgets the password.
Admin user can follow the pop-up window to complete security question settings during camera
activation. Or, admin user can go to User Management interface to set up the function.
Setting the Network Camera over the WAN
This section explains how to connect the network camera to the WAN with a static IP or a
dynamic IP.
Static IP Connection
Before you start:
Apply a static IP from an ISP (Internet Service Provider). With the static IP address, you can
connect the network camera via a router or connect it to the WAN directly.
Connecting the network camera via a router
Connect the network camera to the router.
Assign a LAN IP address, the subnet mask and the gateway. Refer to
Section 2.1.2
for detailed
IP address configuration of the camera.
Save the static IP in the router.
Set port mapping, E.g., 80, 8000 and 554 ports. The steps for port mapping vary depending
on different routers. Call the router manufacturer for assistance with port mapping.
Visit the network camera through a web browser or the client software over the internet.