Metering Lines (4)
6 - 14
Model 1010 Application Pack CB
Part No.: 4418024 - Rev. 1
Programming Manual
Manual Density
Allows entering of the manual density.
Only available when you use the Weights and Measures switch on
the instrument to enter programming mode.
Only if density input type is manual entry.
Enter a value in the following range:
Refer to Table 6-2 on page 6-7.
6.2.6 Overrun Quantity
Meter n
Overrun Quantity
The overrun quantity is the amount of product that flows during the time
it takes the flow control valve to close.
The instrument signals the flow control valve to close when the quantity
delivered equals the preset quantity less the overrun quantity.
Enter a value in the following range:
0 to 250 (0*)
6.2.7 Unauthorised Flow
Unauthorised Flow
Sets the threshold above which unauthorised flow is recorded.
Enter a value in the following range:
0 to 250 (10*)
If Unauthorised Flow Threshold is set to a value greater than zero and
the unauthorised flow is less than that value, the instrument does not
record the unauthorised flow.
If Unauthorised Flow Threshold is set to a value greater than zero and
the unauthorised flow exceeds that value, the instrument records the
total flow, including the unauthorised flow.
If Unauthorised Flow Threshold is set to 0, the reporting of unauthorised
flow is disabled and input pulses received by the flow meter input are
ignored. The arm’s accumulated totals will not be incremented.
If a transaction is currently in progress, the amount of flow is added to
the Batch & Accumulated Totals and the Batch Status is reported as
If a transaction is not in progress, a new transaction is created with the
Unauthorised Flow being added to the Arms Accumulated Total and
shown as the Batch Quantity. The Unauthorised Quantity is allocated to
Compartment 0 and the Batch Status is reported as 100.