Corrosion Protection
Two factors normally contribute
to causing corrosion in your car:
1. Moisture trapped in body
cavities. Dirt and road salt that
collects in hollows on the
underside of the car stays
damp, promoting corrosion in
that area.
2. Removal of paint and
protective coatings from the
exterior and underside of the
Many corrosion-preventive
measures are built into your Honda.
You can help keep your car from
corroding by performing some
simple periodic maintenance:
Repair chips and scratches in
the paint as soon as you
discover them.
Inspect and clean out the drain
holes in the bottom of the
doors and body.
Check the floor coverings for
dampness. Carpeting and floor
mats may remain damp for a
long time, especially in winter.
This dampness can eventually
cause the floor panels to
Use a high-pressure spray to
clean the underside of your car.
This is especially important in
areas that use road salt in
winter. It is also a good idea in
humid climates and areas
subject to salt air. Be careful of
the ABS wheel sensors and
wiring at each wheel.
Have the corrosion-preventive
coatings on the underside of
your car inspected and repaired
Appearance Care