Touch Screen Display Brightness
You can adjust the brightness of your touch screen by touching the brightness icon. The
brightness can be set on a scale from 0 to 10 with 10 being the brightest. The default setting is 10.
To change the setting, touch “power,” then use the 2 blue arrows to increase or decrease the
brightness to suit your preferences. Each time you press one of the blue arrows, the screen
brightness will change accordingly.
When you are satisfied with the brightness level, press the checkmark icon in the bottom right
corner of the screen. To cancel your changes and return to the home screen, press the “X” icon at
any time.
Flush Cycle Time
The “regen. time” is the time of day that the automatic flush cycle(s) are scheduled to be done.
We recommend that the flush cycles be carried out in the middle of the night or other time where
it is unlikely that water will be used for other purposes.
To adjust the time of day that the flush cycles will occur, touch “regen. time” and two blue arrows
will appear. Touch the arrow on the left to adjust to an earlier time, and the arrow on the right to
adjust to a later time.
When you are satisfied that all of the settings are correct, press the checkmark icon in the bottom
right corner of the screen. To cancel your changes and return to the home screen, press the “X”
icon at any time.
Day Override
The default setting is 1. We do not recommend that you adjust this setting.
Master Settings
The Master Settings Mode allows service technicians to set-up the valve for optimal performance.
A password is required to enter this mode. We do not recommend that you alter any of these
settings. See Master Settings Mode below.
The Diagnostics Mode allows you to view a wide range of information about the performance of
your system and your water usage. You can enter the Diagnostics Mode by selecting the
diagnostics icon in the main menu on the home screen.