and configuration tasks. Give the device a name and assign it to a room.
Now you can use the “WebUI” user interface to connect it directly to other
devices or use it in Central Control Unit programs. Please refer to the
“WebUI” manual for more details (you can find this in the “Downloads”
area of the website
After the wireless smoke alarm has been taught-in successfully, the
device can be mounted (see sec. “Mounting the wireless smoke alarm”
on page 47).
6.2 General information about the installation location
The installation notes of this manual must be observed in order to
ensure proper functioning. Please read this entire section before
mounting the wireless smoke alarm.
Minimum protection
For minimum protection, sleeping areas such as children’s rooms or bed-
room, as well as corridors must be controlled by wireless smoke alarms.
In buildings where ceilings are extended over multiple floors at least one
wireless smoke alarm has to be installed on the upper floor.
Recommended protection
It is always recommended to install several wireless smoke alarms in
your house or flat and if possible in every room (except those mentioned
below as unsuitable installation locations). This is the only way to ensure
that a timely and, as a result, an effective warning can be given in the
early stages of a fire.
living room
- recommended protection -
children‘s room
- minimum protection-
- minimum protection -
- recommended protection -
- recommended protection -
dining room
- recommended protection -
- minimum
- minimum
Fig. 8: Mounting wireless smoke alarms - minimum and recommended protection
At its installation location each wireless smoke alarm must be tested to
ensure that it can access other wireless smoke alarms of the wireless net-
work and the Central Control Unit via radio in all circumstances (see sec.
“Communication test” on page 51). Furthermore, please check if the
installation location is acceptable in terms of the audible alarm (see sec.
“Function test” on page 51). Please note, that frequent communica-
tion and function tests can influence on the battery lifetime (see sec. “7.1
Function test” on page 51 and “7.2 Communication test” on page 51).
Unsuitable installation locations
kitchen and bathroom (steam)
• rooms with open fireplaces (smoke)
in the immediate vicinity of halogen lamps, transformers or halogen
lamp cable systems, as well as fluorescent lamps or energy-saving
lamps and in particular to its ballasts (minimum distance 50 cm)