Holtkamp Electronics DUO XXL techn.stand 01.2018 4022_01.2018/V05.2020
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13.2 Daily counter „Sale“
This intermediate menu will only appear in the mode of „
If the button „
Daily counter (Sale)
“ will be pressed, this interme-
diate menu may appear.
Here you can choose for which timer/cabin which counter is valid.
The object numbers is to be regarded as an example.
(See „
Configuration/Various operating parameters
The daily counters are used for daily reading and deleting by the
The represented menu items and their access op-
tions are defined in the sub menu „
Service interval
Possible counters:
These counters sum up the money transactions made with vari-
ous optional funds („Cards“ = Holtkamp chip card type 11, „Cas-
hless“ = Creditcards a.o.). Also overpaid amounts, for which no
main time was awarded, are counted
These counters count the number of customers who have
bought time with the various means of payment. („Cards“ = Holt-
kamp chip card type 11, „Cashless“ = Creditcards a.o.). They
only count once per main time session (do not count on buying
additional main time).
Operating hours counting (duration the main relay was switch on).
Sales made with the test chip cards type 14 and 15 are
not counted. The operating hours are counting!
All counters will go to „0” after reaching their maximum
value and start counting again (money counter „9999,99”;
operating time „9999:59 hours”, customer counter „9999”)